Privacy Policy

We understand that your privacy is important, that's why we care about how your personal data is being used. We're happy to be completely transparent with you because we respect each visitor's privacy.

We only collect standard data that will enhance your experience with us, all of which that follows and complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR.

We welcome you to read our Privacy Policy carefully to make sure you’ve completely understood it. We also recommend you come back every so often to catch up on our policy as it is subject to change.

Your acceptance of our Privacy Policy is assumed when you use our website. If you do not accept and agree with this Privacy Policy, we’d advise that you should not use our website as you won’t be protected by our policy.

Who is

We are a leading online GCSE education provider. We are dedicated to providing you and your child with a world-class, personalized educational experience. Our services are designed to meet all your expectations; we are under constant development to make sure everything we provide levels up your child’s academic and personal growth while giving you peace of mind.

Key Definitions You Should Know

  • We/Us: Refers to
  • You: Refers to you the Client/Student(Child(ren))/Parent.
  • Client/Student(Child(ren))/Parent: Refers to any individual or entity that purchases services from
  • Tutors: Qualified individuals providing educational services through
  • Personal Data: Any and all data that relates to you or the account holder. This means the information you provide us to use to enhance your experience with us.
  • Cookies: Text files with small pieces of data, like a username and password, that are used to identify your computer as you use our platform and any relevant sections under The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.

What Does the Privacy Policy Cover?

This Privacy Policy covers you on all platforms. However, our website may contain links to external web pages, and we won’t have any control over how they may collect, store, or use your data. It’d be good to read their Privacy Policy as you have with us to make sure they do not use your data in a malicious manner.

What Kind of Data Do We Collect and How Do We Use it?

Depending on the various sections of our website, your data will be collected and used differently.

Let’s go into each type of data and explain how it may be used.

  • Name: So we know who we're working with and talking to when we send out emails, etc.
  • Contact info (Number/Email): So we can send you reminders and newsletters, etc (if you opt-in).
  • Demographic info: So we know where to send physical items when we integrate those to our services.
  • Financial info (Credit/Debit card): So you can pay monthly subscriptions easily without having to re-enter your details each time you wish to purchase.
  • IP address: This works the same way Cookies do, it helps identify who you are. It helps us prevent others from logging into your account and stealing your personal data.
  • Web browser: So we can build our platform to work perfectly for your specifications which help enhance your experience with us.
  • Operating system: The same reason we collect your web browser data.

We wouldn't usually share your information, however in positions where your information may need to be shared without your consent, the person with your data (either us or a tutor) must need a good enough reason to do so, for example – sharing the information will enhance the safety of your child. When decisions are made to share or withhold information, practitioners should record who has been given the information and why.

You can read more on data and safeguarding here.

How Storing Your Data Works

First off, as we've mentioned we don't store your data without reason, nor do we hold it for longer than necessary. Your data will only be held in the UK on our secure servers and will be governed by laws of England and Wales.

If we do begin to store data outside the UK, we will take reasonable steps to prioritise the security of your data.

Does Your Data Need to Be Shared?

Long story short, no your data doesn't need to be shared.

However, we may need to share it as previously mentioned when we have a good reason to do so, like enhancing the safety of your child or any other reason required by law.

Another reason why we may need to share your data is if we have a contract with a third party who may need your personal data for the same reason we do (or whatever reason they may have). Before we do that, we will notify all users prior to this engagement.

Do You Have Access to Your Own Data?

Yup, you have the full right to ask for a copy of all the data we have stored about you. If this is something that you’d like to get your hands on, send us an email at

What Are Cookies and How Do We Use Them?

You’ve probably heard about these a lot but might not fully understand. These aren’t the same cookies Granny used to make, but these cookies are the digital kind. They are what helps you experience as

So what do they do & how do they actually work?

Cookies are simply small text files that are placed on your device that holds all your info, like your username and password. They onto that information so the next time you visit our website, you aren't fumbling around trying to remember your password – you get signed in right away.

They aren't something to be afraid of – they just help elevate your experience with us by making everything a little more convenient for you.

Why do we use them?

Like we've mentioned before, they help make the experience a bit more convenient for you. We understand time is everything, so we help you save the time of inputting your details every time you want to log in or make a new purchase.

But the main reason we use cookies is for personalisation. With cookies, we know what interests you so we can show you things that would benefit you over something you have no interest in. Be it tips on supporting your child's education or updates on products you've purchased.

It also helps us improve our website, by understanding how you and other parents use our site, we can see exactly which parts need to be tweaked and improved for your experience.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

As mentioned in the introductory paragraph, this policy is subject to change over time, so advise you come back every so often to update yourself on any changes.

How You Can Contact Us

That's a wrap on our Privacy Policy, if you want to read more on our other policies you can from here, just give them a click or tap and we'll redirect you there.

Terms & Conditions and Safeguarding.

If you've got any questions about our policies, reach out us by sending us an email at