Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our Terms & Conditions.

Here we'll explain our rights and responsibilities in addition to yours, so we're both covered.

Don’t worry, it’s nothing too daunting – just the essentials that help make our partnership as smooth and successful as possible.

Who Are We & What do We Provide?

Knowled.gg is an online school that offers weekly live lessons and courses for a variety of GCSE subjects.

So how do you go about using our services?

You can use our service instantly once you purchase a service from us. All purchases

All the terms & conditions mentioned throughout this document is applied to you, the client once you've purchased a service from us, unless expressly stated otherwise.

Keywords You'll Find Dotted Around in This Document

  • We/Us: Refers to Knowled.gg.
  • Client/Child/Parent/You: Refers to any individual that purchases services from Knowled.gg.
  • Tutors: Qualified individuals providing your child our educational services.
  • Bookings: Refers to the scheduled sessions or courses that students are enrolled in through Knowled.gg.
  • Personal data and privacy: Refers to the handling and protection of your personal data in compliance with UK law and data protection regulations.

Your Acceptance of These Terms

It's assumed that you have accepted our Terms & Conditions once you purchase from us and use our platform for your child's education.

These terms and conditions are legally binding. You should read them fully before agreeing. If you don't want to be bound by these terms, you should not purchase or cancel our services.

NOTE: These terms and conditions are subject to change, and any new terms or conditions which are now placed on this page replace any previous versions.

Playing Your Part, Your Responsibilities


You're required to provide us with your real contact details when registering on our platform. This is needed to help us communicate with you easily and effectively.

We will only use these to contact you with regards to your child's tuition and will never pass them on to someone else unless you request for us to do so or where we are required by law.

By registering you agree to these Terms and Service which allow us to store your data under the Data Protection Act 2018.

You can read more about data protection & our Privacy Policy here.


As you do at most shops, it's expected that you pay for any product or service in advance, otherwise you won't have access to our education resources.

Payment is usually charged monthly, unless expressly stated otherwise (this can be found in the product title or description.)

Your payment will be processed securely using through our platform. You'll be notified in advance for each payment you make for the product/service you've purchased.

Your child is expected to attend all weekly lessons you've purchased unless they've been informed otherwise that the lesson isn't running. In which you'd would be compensated for those missed lessons.


We get it, sometimes you can be a bit late, we've all been there. However, it i expected that your child on time to their lesson.

All our lessons are 50 minutes long – we're unable to add additional time to the lesson if your child runs late or refund you the time they missed.

If the whole lesson is missed you will not be able to request another lesson.

To tackle this issue all lessons will be documented in our resource library, so your child is never left behind. However your child will not able to have access to their tutor at that time as they might be teaching another lesson.


We might not be working out for you at the moment and that's okay.

You can cancel your subscription at any time. To make it fair for you, we also provide prorated refunds based on the remaining duration of your subscription period.​

However, if you're looking to cancel on a lesson, you must inform us a week in advance so we can find an appropriate alternative to the missed sessions.


We offer a satisfaction-guaranteed trial period. If you decide the Mastery Suite isn't the right fit for your child, you can cancel within this period for a full refund.​

We offer a 7 day hassle-free money back guarantee, so you can give our services a taste to see if your child enjoys it.

Once it falls outside the 7 day window, we will not be able to give you a full refund, but we will be able to provide prorated refunds depending on the duration remaining of your subscription.​


Your goodbye doesn't need to be forever, you can always come back.

If your finding that Knowled.gg isn't the right match for your child at the moment that okay, you can easily terminate your contract with us.

Once you've terminated your contract with us we will be able to provide prorated refunds depending on the duration remaining of your subscription as mentioned “Cancellations” and “Refunds“.


Behaviour and safety of your child is our top priority, in addition to their education of course.

All children and tutors are expected to adhere to appropriate behaviour. Bullying and abuse, etc will not be tolerated at all and can be a cause to an immediate termination of your contract without a refund.

To read more about your child's safety and behaviour you can read more in our Safeguarding Policy.

Playing Our Part, Our Responsibilities

We have a long list of responsibilities that we owe you.

So let's go through them together so you know exactly what to expect from us.

Ready? Let's go…

To maintain a functioning website, including communication systems and a booking platform. However, we cannot guarantee that the website will always be available, or that it will always work, but we will try to have it up and running at all times.

Every now and again, the website might need to be taken offline for maintenance purposes which we will notify you before that happens so you're always kept in the loop.

To provide a safe and secure platform for your child to join their group lessons and courses.

To do complete background checks of all tutors we hire to make sure that they are safe to teach your child.

To communicate new bookings, confirmation of bookings, reminders and cancellations to both the students/parents and tutors via one of the following – the website, email or a messaging platform.

To ensure student personal growth (we cannot promise specific grades or qualifications as mentioned later in “Your Child's Progress“.

To ensure your complaints and concerns are considered promptly and in accordance with our Terms and Conditions, Safeguarding and Privacy Policy.

To ensure that any failed payments are processed promptly and in accordance with these terms and conditions.

To take reasonable measures to ensure your personal data is secured properly and not shared without your consent or required by law.

To monitor posting made on the website and messages between your child, other clients and tutors to ensure that nothing inappropriate is being sent.

To ensure enforcement of our Safeguarding Policy.

Your Child's Progress

We promise to put 110% effort into your child, but we can only do so much.

There are many factors that contribute to their grades including…

  • The number of live group lessons they attend,
  • If they complete their subject courses
  • The amount of time that they spend doing independent preparation between lessons

Other factors are difficult to quantify such as…

  • Strengths and weaknesses in particular subjects, as they can be hidden easily unless all children are honest about them.

In addition to outside factors like…

  • Exam anxiety
  • Lack of attention/focus
  • Confidence issues

All of which can play a massive part in their final grades and outcomes.

While we can guarantee that your child will progress with us as an individual, we can’t guarantee specific grades or qualifications.

Your Child's Educational Journey is Special

Since you're in a contract with us, we don't allow you to make private arrangements with our tutors outside our platform.

If you do breach these terms, your subscription will be terminated and may result in legal action.

We'll Protect Your Data, We Promise

Your personal data is… Well personal, we understand that you'd want to keep it that way.

That's why we adhere to data protection regulations and secure your data at all times.

At any time you have the right to ask for a copy of your personal data that we have stored.

If this is something that takes your interest, you can read more in our Privacy Policy.

Say Cheeeeeeese!

All our live lessons are recored mainly for monitoring and training purposes, however they also have another reason that'll benefit your child.

If your child does happen to miss a live lesson, they'll be able to access it through our Resource Library so they can catch up and be ready for next week.

If you don't want your child to be recorded, you must let us know in advance in writing so we can use an alternative solution for other children who may have missed that lesson.

Your child's work is amazing or a role model and sometimes we'd like to use them to inspire others. If we would like to use your child's image it's assumed we have your permission unless you've told us in advance that you don't want that.

Our Work is Unique, It's Our Intellectual Property

All the content provided by us, including course materials, live lessons, etc are all protected by intellectual property laws and is for your child's personal, non-commercial use only.

Upcoming Changes in Services & Prices

Times change, so can our offers – sometimes when we add even more value to an existing offer the price is subject to chance.

We also may modify or discontinue certain service's for any reason we provide.

However, when any of these changes do happen you will be notified before the chance occurs.

We've got to Protect Ourselves too

Disclaimer of Warranties

  • “As Is” basis: We provide educational services and materials on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We will do as much as possible to make sure your child get's a spot to use our service, however we cannot promise it if we are completely full.
  • Educational content: While we do provide high-quality, accurate educational content, we do not warrant that the content is completely error-free.

Limitation of Liability

  • General Limitation: To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of monies, whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses.
  • Educational outcomes: We are not responsible for any specific academic outcome or the ability of students to achieve certain grades or admission to specific universities or programs.
  • Technical issues: We are not liable for any damage or loss resulting from technical issues, including but not limited to loss of internet connectivity or other technical issues from the client.
  • Limitation of damages: In no event will our total liability for all damages, losses, and causes of action exceed the amount paid by the user for the services.

Your Acknowledgment & Responsibility

  • Your acknowledgment: By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that you are using the services at your own risk.
  • You responsibility: You (your child) are responsible for their own independent learning, including attending scheduled sessions, completing assignments and engaging with course materials.

Third-Party Links and Content

  • Third-party materials: We may provide links to third-party materials. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy, or opinions expressed in those materials.
  • External websites: Links to other websites are provided for convenience only. Access to any other websites linked to the site is at the user's own risk.

What's the Law We Follow?

Since we're a UK based company – we (including our policies) are governed by the laws of England and Wales.

Terms & Conditions Evolution

The same way our services and prices are subject to change, so are our Terms & Conditions.

Hence it is advised that you come back every so often to revisit these Terms & Conditions.

Your Direct Line to Knowled.gg

And with that our Terms & Conditions come to an end.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Terms & Conditions, we're happy to hear them.

Please email us at support@knowled.gg and our support team will be able to have an open discussion with you.